Sunday, October 31, 2021

Daily read

App: Sword Oracle app
Deck: Kuan Yin Oracle
Subject: me

Maiden Magu and Drink from the Emerald Fountain

The Kuan Yin Oracle again eh? This one has come up as my random daily read deck quite a few times now, I may have to buy this one as a physical deck.

So, Maiden Magu tells me I've been emotionally bypassing my healing without even realising it. A certain aspect of myself was accepted but ignored, which means it can't heal. This part of me I need to face, to see, to dive into and let it bleed, metaphorically speaking, only then can I get better. This means existing in a place of darkness for a while, a place of pain. A few days ago I got a card that said I was in the Dark Night of the Soul, which is a period of intense pain and spiritual suffering that allows growth to happen. We delve into our darkness and stay there for a while, and not always by choice. The idea is that when we emerge we are better for the experience.
At the time I wasn't in a DNotS, but now I am, and not because the card predicted it.

DNotS is a harsh experience that anyone can go through, and in this reading DrtEF is saying to remember to take respite along the way, remember to practise self care while the night is ongoing, to get help if I need it because I don't have to experience this alone.

What I mustn't do is try to avoid the pain as otherwise I will just continue to exist in a limbo with this particular issue.

This reading is a little more on the personal side than I'd usually like to reveal but it's such a good way of showing how oracles can work that I had to put it up.

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