Sunday, December 5, 2021

Daily read

App: Sword Oracle app
Deck: Spirit Animal Oracle
Subject: me

Beaver Spirit from the Spirit Animal Oracle

Traditional meaning: Beaver Spirit is here to tell you about a power living within you that is born of Spirit, the Source from which all life arises. This is the power to establish the sacred connection with the universal consciousness so you can deliberately co-create the world you desire. Know that it takes work, determination, and sustained effort to co-create and lay a solid foundation for your dreams. If with Spirit as your partner, you bring the twigs and branches of your intentions and desires and spread them across the river of time, you’ll be amazed at what you can do. You will find that you can even change the direction of the flow of life. You can ensure that your world will be prosperous and purposeful, filled with love and joy, and rich with magic and meaning. That which you desire will come to you and remain sustainably if you build on a sturdy foundation. Keep your intention and energy consistent and deliberate, using all your resources and the energy of this wonderful, productive time. Have faith, for with Spirit to co-create with you, your success is assured. Spirit is your partner, helping you along as you change the course of your life in the way your heart desires.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Daily read

App: Sword Oracle app
Deck: Kuan Yin Oracle
Subject: me

Gaia and Lady Venus from the Keepers of the Light Oracle

The basic message here is the increasing of understanding relating to earth/mother energies. Which is actually confusing because I don't feel any extra information or understanding. Perhaps it will come in the next few days.
Gaia speaks of having ones path watched over by mother energy. Lady Venus helps to make sense of messages and guidance received from the higher realms.

It's quite normal to not understand what a reading is speaking of when you get it, it's also quite normal for a reading to tell you exactly how you're feeling while you just nod along.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Traditional meanings vs intuitive meanings vs custom meanings

 It's a very rare thing to find an oracle card, be that tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, or otherwise, that doesn't have a specific meaning. The tarot has meanings that date back to at least the mid 15th century, and even a deck written this year will have meanings listed in a booklet or sometimes on the cards themselves. Those are not the only meanings though, and in this post I'll go over how they can change.

Traditional meanings
When I say traditional I don't just mean those things that have been around for a long time. The Fool has been part of tarot decks for centuries and means new beginnings, new journeys, new adventures, but it also means a lack of understanding due to inexperience. By the same token a 2020 deck called Beyond Lemuria has a card called Star Seer which means paying attention to our intuition and trusting ourselves.

Both of these can be classed as the traditional meanings. You could say traditional and book meanings but that's a big long-winded, plus my version of Beyond Lemuria is the pocket edition, where the meanings are written on the cards so it doesn't come with a book.

The Four of Wands. Seventh Sphere Tarot. Rider Waite Smith. Labrynthos app

Intuitive meanings
The intuitive meaning of a card is what you feel like it's saying, what your instincts tell you the card is trying to communicate, sometimes this is completely at odds with what the traditional meaning is. You look at the card and something about it makes you think of something, a thought strikes you out of the blue, a tiny little symbol reminds you of something, whatever happens the card is saying something besides just the traditional meaning, or it might be saying something completely different.

The Listener. Oracle of the Dragonfae. Sword Oracle app.

Custom meanings
These are things you choose for the most part but things that come up time and time again. For example the 8 of Wands means forward momentum and rapid action, but perhaps for you it has come to refer to your bossy sibling who charges full speed into your life and takes over. It's very common for certain cards to represent certain people over and over again, it's also common for them to represent certain aspects of your life, like your work or health.
Custom meanings usually develop over time. You'll see the card come up time and again and realise it now means a specific thing when you read for yourself. For example, when I do Lenormand readings for myself and I see Mice come up I know that card is referring to me, Mice has a meaning of decay, pollution and disease, but also represents illness and so fits with me as a disabled person.

Channelling. The Secret Language of Light Oracle. Sword Oracle app.

The correct way
Let's get this over with, there is no correct way to read oracle cards. Some people will tell you there is but those people don't know what they're talking about. Considering the amount of disagreement there can be over one single card in tarot I think it's reasonable to say we all have our own way of doing things and all those ways are legitimate so long as we are genuine about them.

You can also choose to work with oracle cards traditionally, intuitively, and with their custom meanings all at once. It's up to you.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Daily read

App: Sword Oracle app
Deck: Kuan Yin Oracle
Subject: me

Maiden Magu and Drink from the Emerald Fountain

The Kuan Yin Oracle again eh? This one has come up as my random daily read deck quite a few times now, I may have to buy this one as a physical deck.

So, Maiden Magu tells me I've been emotionally bypassing my healing without even realising it. A certain aspect of myself was accepted but ignored, which means it can't heal. This part of me I need to face, to see, to dive into and let it bleed, metaphorically speaking, only then can I get better. This means existing in a place of darkness for a while, a place of pain. A few days ago I got a card that said I was in the Dark Night of the Soul, which is a period of intense pain and spiritual suffering that allows growth to happen. We delve into our darkness and stay there for a while, and not always by choice. The idea is that when we emerge we are better for the experience.
At the time I wasn't in a DNotS, but now I am, and not because the card predicted it.

DNotS is a harsh experience that anyone can go through, and in this reading DrtEF is saying to remember to take respite along the way, remember to practise self care while the night is ongoing, to get help if I need it because I don't have to experience this alone.

What I mustn't do is try to avoid the pain as otherwise I will just continue to exist in a limbo with this particular issue.

This reading is a little more on the personal side than I'd usually like to reveal but it's such a good way of showing how oracles can work that I had to put it up.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Daily read

App: Sword Oracle app
Deck: Kipper
Subject: me

False Person, Marriage, Unexpected Income
Family Room

A highly strange reading this one. Living Room and Thoughts were pulled together but they don't really make any sense. Both are neutral cards that require you to look at the cards around them to understand their meaning. LR is literal rooms, private spaces, privacy, inner thoughts and feelings. Thoughts is thinking about things, again literally just thinking about things.

I decided I needed more information so did a separate reading for which I got False Person, Marriage, Unexpected Income, and Living Room again. The inclusion of a card from the previous reading assures me that they are related and tells me how to combine them.
False Person can be what it says but it can also be lies, trickery, deceit of any kind. Marriage can be literal marriage or it can be a union between two things, especially if it's the middle card. Unexpected Income is any small boon or good luck, similar to Clover in Lenormand.

I was still having a hard time until I realised that LR and Thoughts were meant to be looking over the entirety of the second reading, not just a certain card.

So I can now see that there are two parts to this reading, one is the observer of private matters, the other is the union of deceit and small fortune or small luck. These two elements shouldn't be related but become so precisely because of the observation. The observer, however, is also be observed upon.

See, when you do a reading on something or someone you have to connect to the energy of that person or thing, when you do that you're not just connecting to them they are connecting to you, and some people will be able to notice such a thing.

As far as I'm aware, however, I've not seen any shady deals or shenanigans going down like this reading suggests, so what is this reading about, or who?
I have no idea but it's certainly intriguing.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Daily read

App: Sword Oracle app
Deck: Kuan Yin Oracle
Subject: me
The Lotus Throne and Turquoise Lotus Mother

The daily read cards from the Sword Oracle app should be randomised, yet I've gotten Kuan Yin for a few days on and off now. I can't tell if it's a problem with the app or a problem with me lol

TLT was an advice card on the 25th.
TLM was the highest outcome card for a reading from the 23rd, it's unusual for a highest outcome card to arrive so soon. The fact that it's an advice card from today is a really good sign, it's saying the best outcome I could have on the 23rd is here and in progress.

TLM is saying to trust my own intuition, to keep my inner self sovereign, backing up the messages I've been getting recently about this issue. This means that I am not paying attention to this message or that this issue is one that will continue to crop up for a time and so I should be mindful.
TLM says that I have learned lessons or at least begun to understand and so now I can receive the proper healing.

Deck: White Light Oracle 
Shaktipat of Seahorse 

Going with the flow, being authentic, seeking out places and people that suit us rather than forcing ourselves to change in unnatural ways. Don't force a fit that doesn't work. Live without shame of who you are.

I get out of the way of other people, physically. If I'm moving towards someone coming the opposite way I'll move aside, even to my detriment, even when they should step aside, even as a disabled person.
In a shop I will walk all the way out of an aisle and back in to make sure that the person behind me doesn't have to wait for me to find the thing I'm looking for, not even for a second. 
Today I was in a store and doing this even though I was aware of it, even as I'm thinking "Don't move out of the way," my feet just moved to steer me clear of others.

This is something I do emotionally too, I'm fearful avoidant, I get out of other people's way even before they say they want me to.

A problem the depth of which I'm now aware of and can begin healing, as TLM says above.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Daily read

App: Sword Oracle
Deck: The Good Tarot
Subject: me

Temptation and 4 of Fire
I'm rather perplexed by this pull as I've got no idea why it's come up. It's saying I'm too focused on the material world in relation to my creativity and passions. I'd usually say that I'd accidentally pulled on someone else but this certainly feels like it's for me. Perhaps the meaning will become clear in the next few days, it wouldn't be the first time that's happened.

Daily read

App : Sword Oracle app Deck : Spirit Animal Oracle Subject : me Beaver Spirit from the Spirit Animal Oracle Traditional meaning ...